
March - the Month of Internet

By bmi
Created 12/31/2005 - 14:31

The biggest awareness rising annual national campaign in the Czech Republic, Month of Internet, was launched in March 1998. The project has become very popular, because it´s main aim is to encourage increased use of the Internet as a tool for education, business and entertainment among individuals, organizations and local governments in the Czech Republic.

Month of Internet is an umbrella project, covering each year about 15 projects, aimed at different target groups, under one logo. There are projects for the general public (such as Days of Internet in towns, To a library for the Internet, etc.), for children (the First Child's Internet Conference and competition Junior Internet), for business people (Internet & Business Live), for public administration professionals (ISSS Conference) or for persons with special needs (INSPO Conference).

In co-operation with the main Czech media it creates the unique media channel to each citizen in the Czech Republic. The project is accompanied by a large number of Internet-related articles and broadcasts created by independent experts and journalists to be published throughout the month of March. The total amount of promotional adverts in printed titles is about several millions each year. According to the annual researches of Markent, nearly 40% of Czech grown up population is every year “reached” by the campaign.

The whole project is under supervision of a non-profit association BMI, which plans, coordinates and manages all separate activities and provides fundraising, mostly in partnership with commercial companies.
The list of main commercial partners of the project from previous years:
AutoCont, ABF, APP, Bonton, Česká pošta, České radiokomunikace, DIGI TRADE, Directnet, eCITY, IBM, INET, Intel, IPB, Fincom, HP, Komerční banka, LANGMaster, LMC, Microsoft, Modré Stránky, Oracle, Progress Software, 2N, PVT,Siemens, Software602, SSČS , World OnLine.

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