Tecno Zeinu
Sign language training
Submitted by admin on Sat, 2006-01-07 04:49. Tecno ZeinuCD-ROM titled Sign language training was created between 2001 and 2003 as a result of the international project „TECNO ZEINU – Sign langueage training via computer“. The project was prepared by the Spanish organisation of the deaf people ASOCIACION DE SORDOS DE BILBAO as a part of the European Commission programme Leonardo da Vinci.
The project was coordinated by the Spanish organisation ALONSO Y GARAY S.L. - ASIMAG, other partners were K.I. COMUNIC, S.L. (Spain), Computer Technology Institute – CTI (Greece), LUETEC (Italy) and BMI association from the Czech Republic.
On the Czech side, the main experts working on the project were mainly doc. Eva Souralová from PF UP in Olomouc, ing. František Šebesta from PF UK in Prague, Václav Ptáček from Česká unie neslyšících, Josef Brožík from ČT and many others. Texts on CD-ROM are being showed in a sign language by Irena Šourková and Pavel Burda. You can see some of the CD-ROM videosequences in the heading of the www.ticho.cz website.
CD-ROM is suitable not only for teachers of sing language interpreters, but also for the deaf people, their family members and social workers. It is supplemented with a short guide facilitating work with the application. Due to project benefit it is now possible to order the CD-ROM as a cash on delivery at a reduced price only 99 CZK including VAT plus postage 55 CZK using this order form.