BMI Association
Who we are

National projects
Month of Internet
Public Internet
e-Business Roadshow
Internet for disabled

International projects
Leonardo II

Brezen started under Angel’s wings

This year, BMI Association is focusing the campaign on the Internet as an important tool for disabled people to overcome barriers in their private and business life.


On of the main event of the campaign will be the INSPO 2003 conference. During the conference a new Web portal will be launched integrating efforts of many cooperating organisations.  


Many other events take place during the March all around the country  – for instance Junior-conference (Prague), Internet and competitiveness of enterprises (Zlin), E-learning in contemporary education (Prague), Internet and public administration (Hradec Kralove), Schola Nova – Internet to schools (Prague), Web services in healthcare (Prague).


Czech libraries have prepared the most reach and “event-full” program. 250 of them from all the country will offer public and first of all young people attractive possibilities on how to use Internet. More than one hundred of children’s libraries will spend the whole night (March 28) with their young clients providing the Andersen Night – a fairy tail night full of surprises. Children will have an opportunity to take part at the on-line conference and chats during the night, which became very popular the last year already.  The initiative is spreading out to the neighbour countries for the first time this year – some children libraries from Poland and Slovakia confirmed already their participation


The campaign will start in March 1, 2003. One young enthusiast will join the campaign with the I-Snezka event at the Snezka (Snow) Hill – the highest peak of the Giant Mountains (see the pictureJ). Lukas Maly will climb Snezka and test the Internet connectivity there opening campaign March-Month of Internet.

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