Vision Europe 2020 attracts young people
In Broumov, together with Franck Biancheri there were among panelist: Pavel Komarek, the founder of the Centrum of the Internet project, who took part at the meeting in Prague the day before. The next panelist: Mrs. Ruckova, Mayor of the town Broumov; Wiesław Sójka representing the Nowa Ruda city (Poland), and Josef Marek, Chairman of the Mikroregion Stenava Association.
While at the Marathon in Prague first of all political and economic aspects of European enlargement stood in centre of attention, in Broumov the questions of democratization and international cooperation were discussed.
Franck Biancheri introduced first the objectives and history of the European Newropeans Marathon campaign, where 100 cities in 25 European countries had been visited to discuss the Vision Europe 2020 project with more than 10000 Europeans.
Vision Europe 2020 includes 14 strategic and operational proposals to build up efficient and democratic European Union in the next 20 years. He pointed out in his speech, that the threat is still actual, which was described in the study of 1998 "EU 2009: When the grand-children of Franco, Hitler, Mussolini and Pétain will take control of Europe", i.e. populists and Euro nationalists have a chance to enter European Parliament during the elections next year, who parasite on unsolved problems of European Union and low level of democratic control of European bureaucrats.
We consider two ideas of the disputes with Franck Biancheri the most important:
The first one is the appeal not to stay away of Europe - in May 2004 we all become European citizens. The Europe is no more anything out of us – let’s find ways of how to contribute to empowering of European democracy. Valuable in the process of democratization can be our lessons of history and our bitter experiences with totalitarian bureaucracy. Taking the advantage of our knowledge of the communist bureaucracy we shall be able to clearly find the signs and similarities of the totalitarian behavior in the practice of European institutions. It could allow finding and applying efficient democratic methods of suppressing bureaucracy.
The second idea is that the democratization of Europe is never ending process – we are facing now a big challenge of forming a new democratic organization. There is no sample of anything similar in the world history. There is no guaranty we will succeed – so do our best to contribute with our efforts in the struggle for European democracy.
The Newropeans 2003 Congress in October is the next step of the Marathon where the proposals will be updated and completed with conclusions of the debates.
Newropeans Marathon in Prague and Broumov was launched in cooperation of the Mikroregion Stenava Association, BMI Association, Information Centre of the EU in Prague (ICEU), Centrum Internetu company, which initiated National program of computer literacy, and European Democrats Jana Kasla.
The Nowa Ruda city became the Polish partner of the Marathon meeting.
The dispute in Broumov attended students of the Gymnasium Broumov, the students of the Polish town Nova Ruda came from the following high schools:: Liceum Ogólnokształcące im. Henryka Sienkiewicza, Noworudzka Szkoła Techniczna im. Stanisława Staszica, Zespół Szkół Ponadgimnazjalnych nr 2 im. Johannesa Gutenberga, Zespół Szkół Ponadgimnazjalnych nr 1 w Nowej Rudzie a Gimnazjum nr 2.
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