Submitted by admin on Sat, 2005-12-31 13:27. Helpnet.czCzech portal for persons with special needs
The objective of the project is to create the internet portal for all kinds of people with special needs as an INFORMATIVE, COMMUNICATION and EDUCATIONAL space.
The initiative to launch the project belongs to AISO, a new Czech Association of organizations with Information Systems for persons with Special Needs.
The National, I. phase of the project is now before launching to the wide public. It is the result of the 9 month of work of several organizations:
- The coordination work and the overall responsibility including fundraising was carried by BMI.
- Technical solutions (software, programming and connectivity) were realized by civic organization Alfa Human Service with a sponsorship co-operation of IT companies ORACLE, Aliatel and Aplis.
Technology used: Application Server Oracle Portal, 9iAS, version 2.
-Content was provided by 10 organizations of disabled at different areas.
- Job seeking service is arranged by LMC.
- Monitoring of 250 sources is daily provided electronically by ANOPRESS at related topics.
-Interactive services: discussion forums, editing of individual news and events, searching by key words at all thematic parts of archive.