Public Internet
Public Internet
Submitted by admin on Thu, 2006-01-05 18:14. Public InternetPublic Internet is a common project of Ministry of Informatics, Ministry of Education, Youth and Physical Training of the Czech Republic and BMI Association. Its goal is to collect information about places of public access to internet and offer them to public, to find out easily where these places are and which services offer.
Data from this database are also sorted by the Portal of Public Service, which provides depiction of the nearest places with the public access to internet in the area of village or city.
After the registration in database on will the providers of places of public access to internet receive marked label Public Internet in the size A4, with which they can mark their institution and visually signalized it to the public.
BMI Association takes care of administration and distribution of the labels. In the beginning of november 2005 reached the database the first thousand of registrations. The registred subjects are mostly libraries.