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New initiative in the frame of Prelude

One of the above is the Women in eGovernment (WiG) initiative met in November during the EISCO 2003 Conference in Aalborg. The main discussed topic of the meeting was the future WiG project proposal.


Women from six different countries (Czech Republic, Belgium, Finland, Ireland, Poland) of the Prelude regions discussed strategic objectives and thematic priorities of the future WiG project, which was decided to move from Science and Society thematic priority to the IST e-Government program to be more targeted at new next Call of the 6th FP


The first information and strategic documents of the Women in eGovernment topic is under preparation to be presented at the new thematic site of the Prelude web site soon      


The policy meeting and workshop on Women in eGovernment topic shall be launched in Brussels in co-operation with ELANET under Prelude umbrella on March, 2004.


All interested parties are invited to contact Irina Zalisova ( and/or Sara Riso ( for more information.

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