The ENERGIA Project was carried out between January 2001 and december 2002 under 5FP with a support of European Commission (IST-2000-26036). The name of the project is abbreviation of Extended network to Eastern Regions involving Government authorities, Industrie and Academia.
The proejct´s objective was to develop an International Co-operation Network between the European Union and eastern Europe through promoting and disseminating electronic commerce applications, and through preparing the conditions for a better convergence of views, infrastructures and practices between west and eastern Europe. ENERGIA seeked to stimulate international co-operation in order to bridge the gap between EC and CEEC actors at all levels from the political, the industrial, the technical, the professional to the academic.
The starting point of the project was a network formed with seven east European countries (Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Georgia, Poland, Romania, Russia and Slovakia) and five countries from the European Union (Belgium, France, Germany, Greece and Italy). The project consortium was led by the French organisation ADEC and involved thirteen partners from the European Union and central and eastern European countries.
The ENERGIA project took place within the framework of the European IST programme, and was concerned in particular with Key Action II: New methods of work and electronic commerce. The project aimed to reveal Eastern priorities in terms of the deployment of new technologies in both emergent and traditional sectors and, in a second phase, it is expected to launch a series of co-operative projects according to these priorities. T
he most interesting results of the effort of the consortium are presentaed in studies, reports and Delphi research, that were presented at the final ENERGIA konference in Strasburg, in the building of the European Parlament.
The proejct´s objective was to develop an International Co-operation Network between the European Union and eastern Europe through promoting and disseminating electronic commerce applications, and through preparing the conditions for a better convergence of views, infrastructures and practices between west and eastern Europe. ENERGIA seeked to stimulate international co-operation in order to bridge the gap between EC and CEEC actors at all levels from the political, the industrial, the technical, the professional to the academic.
The starting point of the project was a network formed with seven east European countries (Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Georgia, Poland, Romania, Russia and Slovakia) and five countries from the European Union (Belgium, France, Germany, Greece and Italy). The project consortium was led by the French organisation ADEC and involved thirteen partners from the European Union and central and eastern European countries.
The ENERGIA project took place within the framework of the European IST programme, and was concerned in particular with Key Action II: New methods of work and electronic commerce. The project aimed to reveal Eastern priorities in terms of the deployment of new technologies in both emergent and traditional sectors and, in a second phase, it is expected to launch a series of co-operative projects according to these priorities. T
he most interesting results of the effort of the consortium are presentaed in studies, reports and Delphi research, that were presented at the final ENERGIA konference in Strasburg, in the building of the European Parlament.