Areas of interest
Areas of interest
Submitted by admin on Sat, 2005-12-31 13:36. Areas of intereste-Government
BMI have started their activities towards better understanding of significance of ICT for Public Administrations and modern Democracy from the year 1998, when has initiated the first national conference on Internet for Public Administration and first high level political Round Table On the Way to Information Society. In the year 2000 BMI launched a pilot project “Send e-mail to your parliament representative” in order to support direct democracy and citizens engagement.
We share the view, that e-Government is more likely a technologically mediated innovation in political and administrative practice, transforming the way governments interact with their citizens. According to the last eGovernment ministerial conference in Italian Como in July 2003, the citizens’ involvement is still at the very beginning and need to be widely promoted in order to improve European eDemocracy. The use of eGovernment promises to enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of government and radically alter its relationship with the public, that´s why most countries have now set targets for the implementation of e-government and a wide variety of projects have been tested and established. During late 90s, most Administrations in OECD countries have released their e-government strategies. Each e-government strategy is supported by its own framework policies.